Make this change on the Citrix Servers (this only needs to be done once) :
1. Collect only computer data:
ccnfcmda -cmd setparametervalue -ps itrm/agent/solutions/uam -pn supportedunittypes -v computer
If a lot of users connect to the citrix servers (hundreds or thousands), the settings below should also be done to avoid performance problem on citrix machine.
You could check how many users are currently registered in Citrix comstore with these commands :
ccnfcmda -cmd EnumParamsections -ps itrm/agent/units
ccnfcmda -cmd EnumParamsections -ps itrm/agent/units | find /C "."
If this command return hundreds or thousands lines, do step 2, 3, 4 and 5
Otherwise the steps below are not necessary.
2. Don’t send Common Configuration Delta Reports.
- In the DSM Explorer drill down to Control Panel->Configuration->Configuration Policy and define a new policy Ex: My_Deltareport.
- Double-click on the new policy and drill down to DSM->Agent->Common configuration and set the parameter 'Delta-report interval' to 0 (this will disable the delta-report).
- Seal the policy and apply it on all the Citrix systems.
3. Stop and disable cfnotify plugin.
Caf stop cfnotify
Caf disable cfnotify
Everytime a user logon, cfnotify sends a notification to cfregister plugin. cfregister registers the user in the comstore.
If there are a lot of login of users, this could affect the Citrix server performance and comstore file could become big.
4. After this is done, take the following actions on the Citrix server:
- Run 'Caf stop'
- Delete all folders '%sdroot%\..\Agent\units\<unit_number>" with <unit_number> starting to 00000002 (do not delete the directory 00000001).
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Agent\units\00000002
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Agent\units\00000003
C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Agent\units\00000004
- Run 'Caf start'
5. Remove the units from comstore
ccnfcmda -cmd DeleteParamsection -ps itrm/agent/units