Here are some recommendations to assist you in uninstalling TSOPLUS.
1) Review your logon processes for the following setup:
instead of PGM=IKJEFT01
you have PGM=TSOSESS
This will need to be changed back to PGM=IKJEFT01
2) Remove the started task from your PROCLIB.
The default name is TSOPLUS
3) The panel names all start with TSOP, these should be deleted from your panel library.
4) You may have the following entry In your PPT. Please remove it.
5) If you have an option on your ISPF main panels for TSOPLUS please remove it.
when installing, we recommended P +TSOPLUS ODA - Menu of on demand applications
6) In your LNKLST library you may have set up dummy routines. Remove them.
7) Remove all the TSOPLUS modules from your system. There should be just one LOADLIB unless you made copies