What is the name of the USS product directory for the Database Management for Db2 tools when installing using the PAX ESD method
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What is the name of the USS product directory for the Database Management for Db2 tools when installing using the PAX ESD method


Article ID: 29460


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What is the name of the USS product directory for the Database Management for Db2 tools when installing using the PAX ESD method.


When installing the Database Management Solution for Db2 for z/OS using a Pax file, a product directory is created in the same USS directory structure as the Pax file.
The product directory name reflects the release level as follows:

DBMr0x0             r represents the release number [I for release 18, J for release 19, K for release 20, and so on] 
                           x represents the release life cycle phase [B for BETA/INCREMENTAL, G for General Availability (GA)]


For example:
The r18 GA release product directory is named DBMI0G0
The r19 incremental release product directory is named DBMJ0B0
The r20 GA release product directory is named DBMK0G0

This product directory includes the installation files for the entire Database Management Solutions suite for DB2.

The directory will also include the README file and sample UNZIP JCL which is required to copy the installation files to z/OS datasets.
The README file contains product-specific details required to complete the installation.