CA Client Automation Deploy Wrapper
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CA Client Automation Deploy Wrapper


Article ID: 29446


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


The Client Automation Deploy wrapper (deploywrapper.exe) allows the installation of multiple caf plugins and the required pre-requisites from a single package and command.

This document intends to describe the various parameters and syntax and describe a usage scenario that will allow the agent to be installed via command line without the need to install the third party pre-requisites manually.


Client Automation - All versions


The Deploywrapper.exe command line has the following format

Deploywrapper.exe {/DSM_COMPONENTS=} [action] {object} [msi properties] [msi parameters]


Allows the selection of the plugins to be installed when the package contains all plugins.

Expected values

  • SD
  • RC
  • AM
  • combination of above separated by “,” (comma)

If undefined then will install all components in package


One of the following actions can be selected

  • /INST
  • /OSIM
  • /SCAP


Used for Software delivery installs.

Runs 3 phases of the install to allow the agent to be shutdown and upgraded without the job going to error.

Information is stored in win.ini to enable the phase to be determined. If no state is found or it is zero this must be the first phase, and it just has to write a new state of 1 to win.ini and spawn a new deploy wrapper.

To ensure that a state 1 run is for the same job as the previous state 0 run the command line is also written to win.ini during phase 0 and checked during phase 1 and 2. If they don't match the saved state is logged and discarded and the current run is considered a phase 0 of a new job.

State 1 is where the actual install is done, at the end it will set the job state to 2 and restart caf/sd. This will trigger the sd agent to run the original job again, but by now the state is saved as 2 so the sd job just collects the output from the state 1 run and the result of the state 1 run and returns it as its own output and result.


Used for Software Delivery uninstalls.

Provides a list of MSI GUID’s to be uninstalled


Used for Infrastructure Deployment.

Performs actions required when install is initiated by the dmprimer, including setting up the EXITFILE path.


Used by OSIM to install the agent.

Is basically a cut down version of /INST. Just performs the install with no phases.


Used to install the SCAP Scanner


Used to uninstall the SCAP Scanner


The actions /INST and /DPINST require one of the following objects be defined

  • CopiedAgents
  • Server
  • ENC


Install the agent components found in the package


Install server components


Install ENC


The install is a migration from DMS

[msi properties]

Define package specific msi properites as per the implementation guide. If multiple plugins are to be installed the following needs to be taken into account.

Due to the combined MSI package nature of this deployment package, MSI feature list properties such as ADDLOCAL must not be specified. Otherwise, the deployment of the package will fail. If specific features for a package need to be listed, the recommendation is to use individual agent plugin deployment packages instead.

[msi parameters]

Define generic msi parameters such as “/qn” and “/l*v” as documented in the implementation guide.


Scenario 1 - Create an agent package that contains all plugins and then selectively install the required plugins.

  1. Use DSMPUSH to create the required deployment package on the DM (See command line reference guide)
  2. Locate the package folder on the DM in the folder
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Packages\Public\CAUnicenterDSM
  3. Copy the windows_x86 folder to network share
  4. Install the agent selecting the required plugin eg sd and am
    Map to the share
    Run the command
    .\deploywrapper.exe /DSM_COMPONENTS=sd,am agent_server=<scalalbility_server> allusers=1 /qn /l*v

Scenario 2 – Create an agent package that contains the specific plugins required and install it

  1. Use DSMPUSH to create the required deployment package on the DM (See command line reference guide)
  2. Locate the package folder on the DM in the folder
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Packages\Public\CAUnicenterDSM
    e.g. ….\DSM\Packages\Public\CAUnicenterDSM\AgentSD\12.0\ENU\Windows_x86
  3. Copy the windows_x86 folder to network share
  4. Install the agent.
    Map to the share
    Run the command
    .\deploywrapper.exe /OSIM agent_server=<scalalbility_server> allusers=1 /qn /l*v

The /OSIM action is selected as this runs a simple installation and does not require the additional object definitions or phases