How to export and import calenders
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How to export and import calenders


Article ID: 29387


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


You can first get the list of all your calenders as shown in the example below.

$ autocal_asc

CA WAAE Calendar Utility


Please select from the following options:

[1] Administer Standard Calendar.

[2] Administer Extended Calendar.

[3] Administer Cycle.

[4] List all Calendars.

[5] List all Cycles.

[0] Exit CA WAAE Calendar Utility.

>  4


Existing Calendars:


Monthy                             Standard Calendar

monthly_ext                        Extended Calendar


We can use the command line utility to export the calenders as shown below


autocal_asc -E ca1.txt -s Monthy

autocal_asc -E ca2.txt -e monthly_ext


-rw-rw-r--. 1 autosys autosys  34 Dec 31 01:31 ca1.txt

-rw-rw-r--. 1 autosys autosys 127 Dec 31 01:36 ca2.txt



Copy the exported files to another autosys Manager


scp autosys@server2-xxxxx:/home/autosys/*.txt .


ca1.txt                                    100%   34     0.0KB/s   00:00

ca2.txt                                    100%  127     0.1KB/s   00:00


Confirming that Initially there is no calenders in the second Autosys Manager


CA WAAE Calendar Utility


Please select from the following options:

[1] Administer Standard Calendar.

[2] Administer Extended Calendar.

[3] Administer Cycle.

[4] List all Calendars.

[5] List all Cycles.

[0] Exit CA WAAE Calendar Utility.

>  4

Importing the Calender using the command line as shown below


autocal_asc -I ca2.txt

CAUAJM_I_50423 Insert Successful for Extended Calendar: monthly_ext


Confirming the imported calender

$ autocal_asc

CA WAAE Calendar Utility


Please select from the following options:

[1] Administer Standard Calendar.

[2] Administer Extended Calendar.

[3] Administer Cycle.

[4] List all Calendars.

[5] List all Cycles.

[0] Exit CA WAAE Calendar Utility.

>  4


Existing Calendars:


monthly_ext                        Extended Calendar



Release: ATSYHA99000-11.3.6-Workload Automation AE-High Availability Option