"undefined method 'location'" error received when running Apply Changes on Azure
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"undefined method 'location'" error received when running Apply Changes on Azure


Article ID: 293679


Updated On:


Operations Manager


In Azure environment, you get this intermittent error when triggering an Apply Changes from Ops Manager, Platform Automation, Concourse, or om CLI:
{"errors":{"base":["undefined method `location' for nil:NilClass"]}}
FailedError.new("Resource Groups in region '#{location}' do not support Availability Zones"))

A recent change has been made on the Azure CPI side that leads to this intermittent error if the location info is missing from Azure Resource SKU API: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/resourceskus/list#lists-all-available-resource-skus

All version of Ops Manager are impacted.


Product Version: 2.7



You can resolve this issue with the Ops Manager API or the om CLI:
om --env env/config/env.yml curl -p /api/v0/staged/director/verifiers/install_time/IaasConfigurationVerifier -x PUT -d '{ "enabled": false }'

Once the install_time verifier is disabled, you can manually Apply Changes or use the om CLI command until the new version of Ops Manager is available.

The fix will be available in the next supported release of Ops Manager 2.7.24, 2.8.14, 2.9.11, 2.10.2