SMF records as they relate to CA Dispatch
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SMF records as they relate to CA Dispatch


Article ID: 29202


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


What SMF records are created and/or used by CA Dispatch?

What SMF records are created and/or used by CA Dispatch?




SMF Records that can be CREATED by Dispatch are:

Option 9.1 from main menu = VSGMU110 screen contains: 

Generate SMF Writer Records with Record # (Blank=0) for Chargebacks ==> 

  • For additional information and a breakdown of the above record, please refer to the CA Dispatch Reference Guide and the section entitled "Charging Users for the Reports They Receive".

Option 9.9 from main menu = VSGMU190 screen contains:

SMF Record Number If Audit Records Are To Be Generated    

OLV Audit Record              (0=None or 129-255)  ==>

OLV Resource Utilization      (0=None or 129-255)  ==>


  • For additional information and a breakdown of each of the above records, please refer to the CA Dispatch Reference Guide where we document the VSGMU190 screen.


SMF/ENF EVENT Records that can be USED by Dispatch are:

Event      Description

--------     ------------------------------------------------------------------

JOBINIT  - Used by the Abend Handling process

STEPTERM - Used by the Abend Handling process

JOBTERM  - Used by the Abend Handling process

JOBPRINT - Used by the Bundle Print Time process

DISP144  - Used to log the PC Download process

DISP145  - Used to log the Bar Code process

DISP146  - Used to record the information on the NJE jobs

Additional Information

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