The primary SS crashing when using the out of the box SpectroSERVER binary which has the memory manager (mts) enabled. The following error is seen in the VNM.OUT file at the time of the crash:
? mts free: detected bad free list for thread(-186374448) malloc size(352)
chapter_size(352) bad value(14d9c480) at addr(0x1a5be940)
? mts free: detected bad free list for thread(-186374448) malloc size(352)
chapter_size(352) bad value(14d9c480) at addr(0x1a5be940)
? mts free: detected bad free list for thread(-186374448) malloc size(352)
chapter_size(352) bad value(14d9c480) at addr(0x1a5be940)
? mts free: detected bad free list for thread(-186374448) malloc size(343)
chapter_size(352) bad value(1100) at addr(0x1a5be940)
RESOLUTION: Implement the nomts SpectroSERVER binary:
1. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER
2. Copy the $SPECROOT/SS/support/SpectroSERVER_nomts(.exe on Windows) to $SPECROOT/SS/SpectroSERVER(.exe on Windows)
3. If on Linux or Solaris
a. Change the file ownership of the SpectroSERVER binary to root
b. Change group ownership to the same group as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
c. Change the permissions to 4750
Permissions should look similar to the following on Linux and Solaris:
-rwsr-x--- 1 root users 36389 Dec 18 07:46 SpectroSERVER
4. Start the SpectroSERVER.
Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core
Implement the nomts SpectroSERVER binary:
1. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER
2. Rename the $SPECROOT/SS/SpectroSERVER application to SpectroSERVER_original
3. Copy the $SPECROOT/SS/support/SpectroSERVER_nomts(.exe on Windows) to $SPECROOT/SS/SpectroSERVER(.exe on Windows)
4. If on Linux
a. Change group ownership to the same group as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
b. Change the permissions to 4750
Permissions should look similar to the following on Linux:
-rwsr-x--- 1 spectrum users 36389 Dec 18 07:46 SpectroSERVER
5. Start the SpectroSERVER.