Is it possible to change the dataset prefix for runtime datasets used to install CA-CSM?
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Is it possible to change the dataset prefix for runtime datasets used to install CA-CSM?


Article ID: 29153


Updated On:


Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager)


To start change the  DatabaseHLQ parm in these USS locations, if DatabaseHLQ was left blank then it would be defaulting to RunTimeMVSHLQPrefix. In this case no changes should be made either         


(1) In /.../MSMSetup/                          


(2) In /.../msm/CEGPHFS/                        


Search through the  JCL members in the .JCL PDS changing database dataset references for this HLQ. Note this should only be for

database datasets.   The main members are the startup and shutdown members:MSMDBSVS, MSMDBSVP, MSMMUFS and MSMMUFP. 

The others are install jobs that you have already executed but those JCL member that reference the DB runtime HLQ could also be updated.   To rename that datasets DBID 4000 that are dynamically allocated please refer to RI13341.                            



Component: MSM