Success Message: The signature update has finished Failure Message: Error: The signature update has failed, see upd.log and confer.log for more details. Command failed
Sensor Version 3.5 and Lower
Navigate to the path where RepCLI is located, usually %ProgramFiles%/Confer; as per How to Access RepCLI Utility
Success Message: The request of AV signature update has been requested Failure Message: Error: Failed to trigger the signature update, see confer.log for more details Command failed
Additional Information
As of the 3.5 Sensor, command line signature updates no longer require RepCLI Authentication and can be run as a script or scheduled task.
Virus Definition Files are required only when "On-access file scan mode" is set to Normal or Aggressive.
If the "Allow signature updates" Policy setting is Disabled, signature updates via RepCLI will fail.