App Control: How to Enable Deep Crawl For Trusted Directory
Article ID: 291328
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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
To enable deep crawl for extraction and approval of files within different archival types like ISO, ZIP, and .WIM in Trusted Directory
App Control: All Supported Versions
Navigate to the Support page in the Cb Protection Console by manually entering the URL: https://<yourserveraddress>/support.php
Click on the Advanced Configuration tab, and in the Agent Configuration panel, check the box for Enable Deep Crawl
In the next line, Deep Crawl Files, add any needed archival types that aren't already listed
Additional Information
Checking the Enable Deep Crawl option allows the user to specify a custom set of file types to deep crawl in trusted directories. If unchecked, the default set of patterns will be used.
The Deep Crawl Files option is a comma separated list of patterns used to determine which files and filetypes to Deep Crawl in trusted directories.
It is equivalent to setting the file_patterns_to_deep_crawl configuration property
Warning: changing the deep crawl file types list will trigger a re-crawl of all trusted directories