App Control: Are SD Card Devices Supported?
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App Control: Are SD Card Devices Supported?


Article ID: 291214


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Are SD Cards devices supported by App Control?


  • App Control Agent (Formerly CB Protection): All Supported Versions


  • App Control does not currently support SD card readers that are non-removable.
  • SD card readers built into a laptop, are fixed devices. Even though the media is removable, the device itself is not. These count as fixed devices, which are not supported.
  • SD card readers that are USB devices ARE supported, because the devices themselves are removable devices.
  • From the User Guide, here are the differences in support for fixed devices vs removable devices.
The CB Protection Agent can detect several different kinds of devices on computers. 
In general, if a device has an identifiable file system, it is added to the Devices tables.
How a detected device is managed depends upon whether it is identified as fixed or removable:

• Fixed devices are included in the device inventory, but they cannot be approved, banned, or blocked by CB Protection rules.
• Removable devices are included in the device inventory, and they can be approved, banned, and blocked by CB Protection rules.

Additional Information

  • Non-removable devices can be recognized by the Serial Number 0000