Changing ConfigProps Locally
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Changing ConfigProps Locally


Article ID: 291186


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


How to enable ConfigProps locally via the cfg.ini file or RepCLI 


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: and Higher
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


Modifying the cfg.ini file

  1. Enable bypass mode on the sensor from the PSC Console
  2. Navigate to cfg.ini file and open with Notepad
  3. Add the ConfigProp name and desired value in the format:
  4. Save changes to cfg.ini with "Save As" option; maintain the same file name and select a destination outside of the original cfg.ini directory
  5. Move the old cfg.ini file out of the original directory and keep as a backup
  6. Move the new cfg.ini file with the ConfigProp entry into the original directory
  7. Reboot the machine
  8. Disable bypass mode

Enabling with RepCLI

  1. Enable bypass mode on the sensor 
    repcli bypass 1
  2. Navigate to cfg.ini file and open with Notepad
  3. Add the ConfigProp name and desired value in the format: 
  4. Save changes to cfg.ini with "Save As" option; maintain the same file name and select a destination ex. C:\windows\temp\cfg.ini
  5. Move the old cfg.ini file out of original directory and keep as a backup
  6. Move the new cfg.ini file with the ConfigProp entry into original directory
  7. Update the config
    repcli updateconfig
  8. Disable bypass mode
    repcli bypass 0

Additional Information

  • Configprops in general are items similar to installation switches ex. Debug=1,CurlCrlCheck=false and other configurable items that the sensor can load at start time.
  • With the sensor it is now possible to write / save Configprops to cfg.ini
  • Configprops can also be specified at install time as part of the install string