EDR: How to Start, Stop and Restart EDR Application Services
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EDR: How to Start, Stop and Restart EDR Application Services


Article ID: 291120


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


To start or stop the cb-enterprise (EDR) services on the command line.


  • EDR 7.4.0 and Higher


Standalone Server

  1. Log into the stand-alone server 
  2. Service commands
    • To start services, run:
      sudo /usr/share/cb/cbservice cb-enterprise start
  • To stop services:
    sudo /usr/share/cb/cbservice cb-enterprise stop
  • To restart services
    sudo /usr/share/cb/cbservice cb-enterprise restart

Clustered Environment

  1. Log into the Primary server
  2. Service Commands
    • To start the Cluster
      /usr/share/cb/cbcluster start
    • To stop the Cluster
      /usr/share/cb/cbcluster stop
    • To restart the cluster
      /usr/share/cb/cbcluster stop && /usr/share/cb/cbcluster start

Additional Information

  • cbcluster should always be used for clustered environments. If a single node needs to be taken down for maintenance, the whole cluster needs to be taken down as the Datagrid and RabbitMQ communication will break. 
  • These commands replace the older service and systemctl commands that were previously used to start and stop EDR.