Error Two or more of the Spectrum catalogs in the DSS are in conflict
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Error Two or more of the Spectrum catalogs in the DSS are in conflict


Article ID: 29105


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


In a Distributed SpectroSERVER (DSS) environment it is a requirement that all the catalogs are the same on all the SpectroSERVERs.

If they become out of sync you may see the following error:

"Two or more of the Spectrum catalogs in the DSS are in conflict'.

There is "More Information" link which provides more information as "Conflict have been encountered in the device identification settings within the DSS environment.

These conflicts exist because two or more of Spectrum catalogs are different.

Conflicts of this type may have been introduced by changing a modeling catalog using MTE or by failing to apply custom catalog work to all SpectroSERVERs in the DSS.

All conflicts must be resolved in order to use the identification tab."


Release: Any

Component: Spectrum Catalog




When seeing the above error you will need to load a copy of the catalog from the Main Location Server (MLS) database to all the other SpectroSERVERs in the DSS environment by doing the following:

1. From your MLS

    a. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
    b. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER process
    c. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
    d. cd to the $SPECROOT/SS directory and enter the following command to create a catalog only backup:

          ../SS-Tools/SSdbsave -c MLS_catalog

    e. Start the SpectroSERVER

2. Copy the MLS_catalog.SSdb file to the $SPECROOT/SS directory on all the other primary SpectroSERVER systems in the DSS.

NOTE: The following instructions do not have to be done on the secondary and tertiary SpectroSERVER systems if running Spectrum Fault Tolerance.  Once an online backup runs, the changes will be synchronized to the secondary.  You can manually run a backup after you make the changes or you can wait for the scheduled backup time.

3. Do the following on all the other primary SpectroSERVER systems in the DSS

    a. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
    b. Shutdown the SpectroSERVER process
    c. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
    d. cd to the $SPECROOT/SS directory 
    e. Enter the following command to create a models only save of the database

       ../SS-Tools/SSdbsave -m models_only

    f. Enter the following command to load the catalog from the MLS system

     ../SS-Tools/SSdbload -ic MLS_catalog.SSdb

    g. Enter the following command to load the models only save from step 3e above on top of the new catalog

      ../SS-Tools/SSdbload -m models_only.SSdb

    h. Start the SpectroSERVER

NOTE: Run an online backup on the primary SpectroSERVERs to sync the secondary and tertiary SpectroSERVERs with the new catalog

Additional Information

Please reference the "Landscapes and the Distributed SpectroSERVER" section of the documentation for more information.

Please reference knowledge document KB000121348 "How to propagate catalog changes in a Distributed SpectroSERVER environment" for more information.