App Control: Duplicate Approval Requests Seen In Console
Article ID: 291037
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Multiple old approval requests re-created from some endpoints and showing in console
App Control Server: All Supported Versions
App Control Console: All Supported Versions
Old Computer Cleanup was set, which caused offline endpoint data to be purged after a set period of time
When the endpoints came back online, the data synced up again to the App Control Server, including the original approval requests
Known Issue: EP-8893
First Option
Disable or tune Old Computer Cleanup settings
Go to "System Configuration > Advanced Settings" to prevent zero prevalence pruning from occurring on endpoints that are still active, but may go offline
Second Option
Open a ticket to Support Team and request the CreateApprovalRequest.sql script before each additional step
Ensure there is a full backup of the das database before proceeding
Create a back up for dbo.CreateApprovalRequest.sql store procedure
Stop App Control Services (Reporter and Server)
Open SQL MGMT Studio
Expand Databases > das > Programmability > Stored Procedures
Delete the old dbo.CreateApprovalRequest.sql procedure
Create the new store procedure using the sql script provided by Support