CB Protection: Sattline is slow to write files.
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CB Protection: Sattline is slow to write files.


Article ID: 290960


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Sattline application is slow to write files when CB Protection is installed


  • CB Protection Server: All versions
  • CB Protection Agent: All Versions
  • Sattline application


CB Protection looks at .rv and .rt files created by Sattline and slows their writes.


Two agent config properties need to be created
  1. Go to https://<servername>/agent_config.php
  2. Click on "Add Agent Config" 
  3. Use the following values for the first exclusion:
    1. Property Name:: Exclude_Sattline_File_Access 
    2. Host ID: 0
    3. Value: kernelFileOpExclusions=*.rv:128895,*.vt:128895
    4. Platform: All Platforms
    5. Status:: Enabled
  4. Use the following values for the second exclusion:
    1. Property Name: Exclude operations by main.exe
    2. Host ID: 0
    3. Value: KernelProcessExclusions=*\main.exe:131071
    4. Platform:: All Platforms
    5. Status:: Enabled


Additional Information

  • Operation Code 128895 means that we will not process any operations on the .rv and .vt files EXCEPT executes and script executes