Where can I find information about Alternate Data Stream Detection queries?
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Where can I find information about Alternate Data Stream Detection queries?


Article ID: 290852


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Where can information be found to write queries regarding Alternate Data Stream Detection (ADS)?


  • Carbon Black EDR: Version 7.x and Higher


Threat Research article Alternate Data Stream Detection (ADS) has older information about this kind of investigation. An updated version of the query for 7.x EDR and above would look like this:
process_name:msedge.exe AND (filemod:.iso*\:* OR path:*.iso*\:*)

Additional Information

  • If more information is necessary please reply in the comment section of the post.
  • Sometimes files get downloaded using "browser_broker.exe" OR "runtimebroker.exe" so it is possible to add these process to the query as well.