App Control: Active Directory Policy Mappings Not Working Properly After Recent Server Upgrade
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App Control: Active Directory Policy Mappings Not Working Properly After Recent Server Upgrade


Article ID: 290827


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Active Directory Policy Mappings are not functioning properly after upgrading the App Control Server versions


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions
  • Active Directory Policy Mapping


App Control Server using cached or corrupted version of the AD policy mapping rules


I. Clear the App Control AD server cache:
  1. Open the Console > Rules > Policies page
  2. Click on the "Mappings" tab
  3. In the right-hand menu, select "Clear Server Cache"
  4. Run Test on Mappings
II. Re-map the AD policy mapping rules:
  1. Log in to Console and navigate to Rules > Policies
  2. Click on the "Mappings" tab
  3. Edit each mapping rule > search for and select the appropriate AD folder/group > Save it