Using the Subject Alternative Name Field When Generating a Certificate
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Using the Subject Alternative Name Field When Generating a Certificate


Article ID: 290824


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


How to use the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field when generating a new Communication Certificate to be used in the Console.


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions


 A Subject Alternative Name is required when:

  • The Server Address was changed and Agents have not been updated via the setserver command.
  • The Common Name on the Communication Certificate and the Server Address are not identical.

If a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is required, it must:

  • Contain at least one DNS entry matching the current Server Address.
  • Contain an additional DNS entry for any previous Server Address still in use by the Agents.
  • Be formatted as follows:,

Additional Information

  • Failure to properly format the Server Certificate could cause communication failures between the Agent and the Server, or other errors.
  • The SAN can also contain an IP Address, or a wildcard:,DNS=*,IP=
  • If a Wildcard is used in the Common Name, the current Server Address (System Configuration > General) must be included in the SAN:
    Common Name: *
    Subject Alternative Name:,DNS=*
  • RFC 2818 states that the Common Name in the Subject field of the certificate must be included in the Subject Alternative Name.