Collect Logs for Troubleshooting SAML integration issues
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Collect Logs for Troubleshooting SAML integration issues


Article ID: 290787


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Steps to capture logs to assist in troubleshooting SAML integration issues.


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions
  • SAML Integration


  1. Log in to the Console and navigate to https://ServerAddress/shepherd_config.php
  2. Change the following property accordingly:
    DebugConsoleCommunication: true
  3. Navigate to https://ServerAddress/support.php > Diagnostics
  4. Click the Snapshot Server Logs button to write existing logs and start a fresh log file.
  5. Set Server Logging as follows:
    • Logging Duration: 30 Minutes
    • Debug Level: Verbose
    • AD Debug Level: Verbose
    • Script Debug Level: Verbose
    • Start Logging
  6. Start a HAR Capture.
  7. Reproduce the SAML issues.
  8. Collect the HAR Capture.
  9. Return to https://ServerAddress/support.php > Diagnostics > Stop Logging Now.
  10. Revert the changes to DebugConsoleCommunication in the Shepherd Config.
  11. Go to Tools > Requested Files > Download the two files from the capture:
    • PHPErrors-TIMESTAMP.log
    • ReporterLog-TIMESTAMP.log
    • ServerLog-TIMESTAMP.bt9
  12. Create a copy of the metadata.xml (with the cert info removed) from the Identity Provider (IdP).
  13. Zip the diagnostics, HAR Capture, and metadata.xml together and provide to Support.