Remove the word "Request" from the Trouble Ticket
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Remove the word "Request" from the Trouble Ticket


Article ID: 29077


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to remove the word "Request" from the Trouble Ticket column in CA Spectrum OneClick with the CA Service Desk Integration enabled so that only the Trouble Ticket number is displayed.


On the OneClick system:

  1. Copy the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/alarm/config/column-troubleticketid-config.xml file to $SPECROOT/custom/alarm/config/column-troubleticketid-config.xml
  2. Edit the $SPECROOT/custom/alarm/config/column-troubleticketid-config.xml file to look like the following:

           value() != null &amp;&amp; value().toString() != null &amp;&amp;
            value().toString().split( "\\s" ).length > 1 ?
                value().toString().split( "\\s" )[1] : value()

  3. Save the changes to the $SPECROOT/custom/alarm/config/column-troubleticketid-config.xml file
  4. Log out and then back into OneClick