App Control: SQL deadlocks on file rules in DAS database causing console performance issues
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App Control: SQL deadlocks on file rules in DAS database causing console performance issues


Article ID: 290768


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Console performance drags and then completely stops loading pages
  • Console is unusuable after trying to load a File Details page for a process
  • Events from the PHPerrors.log:
API Error from page 400: POST <SERVERNAME>/api/bit9platform/v1/fileRule/ with params {"name":" <endpoint>","description":"","fileState":"3","sourceType":4,"policyIds":"","unifiedSource":"","hash":"[removed from logging]"} with options {"81":0,"64":0,"19913":1,"42":0,"156":61000,"10023":"[removed from logging]","10022":"[removed from logging]","10015":"[removed from logging]"} returned http code 400 and result [
"Transaction (Process ID 103) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."
] in 11.169886112213 seconds


  • App Control Server: 8.1.0 Patch 2


SQL logic is causing the DAS database to get deadlocked on certain file related pages of the console.


The SQL logic was fixed in App Control Server 8.1.4, so upgrading will resolve the issue.

Additional Information

Recent deadlocks are logged in SQL in the 'system_health*.xel' files. The link below explains how to collect them.