- Console performance drags and then completely stops loading pages
- Console is unusuable after trying to load a File Details page for a process
- Events from the PHPerrors.log:
API Error from page 400: POST <SERVERNAME>/api/bit9platform/v1/fileRule/ with params {"name":" <endpoint>","description":"","fileState":"3","sourceType":4,"policyIds":"","unifiedSource":"","hash":"[removed from logging]"} with options {"81":0,"64":0,"19913":1,"42":0,"156":61000,"10023":"[removed from logging]","10022":"[removed from logging]","10015":"[removed from logging]"} returned http code 400 and result [
"Transaction (Process ID 103) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."
] in 11.169886112213 seconds