EDR: CBLR mode not compatible with configuration
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EDR: CBLR mode not compatible with configuration


Article ID: 290719


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Presence of log error message: Tid[11A4] YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (w): CBLR mode not compatible with configuration.
  • Sensor unable to initiate Live Response session.


  • EDR Sensor (formerly Cb Response) 6.2.1 or higher
  • Windows OS: Any supported version


In sensor 6.2.1 and newer, a registry key mechanism was added to allow for a sensor-enforced kill switch in EDR (formerly Cb Response) that ensures that the sensor never initiates a Live Response session.


Review registry keys on the endpoint and delete the registry key triggering the behavior.  The mechanism is only enabled when a specific registry key is present.
Creating or presence of a DWORD registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\CarbonBlack\config\CBLRMode will cause CBLR to no longer connect to an endpoint.
The value of the key is ignored and not necessary.

Additional Information

This is not a common resolution to Live Response issues as it is not a common configuration.