CB Protection: Script Files Not Approved in Console
Article ID: 290717
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Script Files are not listed as 'Approved' in the console.
CB Protection Console: All Supported Versions
Script files are not normally tracked in CB Protection without a rule in place for each script file type.
Within the console navigate to Rules > Software Rules and select the Scripts tab
Create a new rule
The path or file should be the extension of the file. For example
The process should be the process which will be executing the script. For example:
Additional Information
Without a rule in place, script files are considered 'uninteresting' to the CB Protection agent and do not get scanned or have an approval assigned.
Additional information regarding custom rules can be found in https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/CB-Protection-Custom-Rules-Best-Practices/ta-p/67622 or in the CB Protection User Guide located here