CB Response: Last Checkin Time Filters on Sensor Page not working as expected
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CB Response: Last Checkin Time Filters on Sensor Page not working as expected


Article ID: 290705


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Last Checkin Time filters on Sensors page yield incorrect results
  • Sensors not shown are typically within the last few hours


  • CB Response Server: 6.3.0.x and Higher
  • CB Response Console: 6.3.0.x and Higher


CB Response Server is in a different timezone than Admin accessing Console


To be resolved in a future version of CB Response Server

Temporary Workaround

  1. Go to Sensors page
  2. Click Export > Export All
  3. Open resulting hosts.csv in Excel
  4. Sort on 'last_checkin_time' column as desired


Additional Information

Difference in number of Sensors can be seen directly by exporting Visible Sensors using the desired Last Checkin Time filter, exporting All Sensors and sorting based on 'last_checkin_time' column, and then comparing the two files.