- Download both the 'CarbonBlackClientSetup-linux-vx.x.x.xxxx.rpm' and the .sh file directly on to the endpoint you wish to upgrade. You will also need to add the 'sensorsettings.ini' file within the same directory you copied the .rpm and .sh files.
- The downloaded files will also need to have the permissions modified, here is an example using a version 6.1.6 sensor build:
chmod CarbonBlackClientSetup-linux-v6.1.6.10049.sh
chmod CarbonBlackClientSetup-linux-v6.1.6.10049.rpm
- After changing the permissions of the file you will need to run the .sh file to perform the upgrade, here is an example using a version 6.1.6 sensor build. The following command would be run in the directory containing the .rmp, .sh and .ini files: