How to tune watchlists
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How to tune watchlists


Article ID: 290654


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Tune watchlists at the report and IOC levels


  • Enterprise EDR (Formerly CB ThreatHunter) Console: All Versions


  • From the Enforce - Watchlists level
  • To tune at the report level, click the Reports tab, select a report, then click Take Action to:
    • Include or exclude a report from detection (Disable/Enable)
    • Remove a report from a watchlist (Remove)
  • To tune at the IOC level, click the Name of the report, select an IOC, then click Take Action to include or exclude an IOC from detection (Disable/Enable)
  • To create a new tuned IOC
    1. Click on the IOC Investigate icon
    2. Add any required changes to the query
    3. Click "Add search to watchlist report"
    4. Fill out the required information to create the tuned IOC