AppControl: Can Rule Activity Be Reported in Automation?
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AppControl: Can Rule Activity Be Reported in Automation?


Article ID: 290560


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Can the activity of software rules be reported on a time-frame basis, for example a monthly report of File Integrity Control rule activity?


AppControl: All Support Versions


No.  Rule activity can be viewed from Reports > Events, using the 'Rule Name' subtype.  The time-frame can be changed using the 'Max Age' drop-down, and the result can be viewed in the console or exported to a CSV format.  This would be a manual process that would need to be performed however often the data set is desired.  Automation however would require the use of a third-party SIEM application.

Additional Information

Information on SIEM integration can be found on the User eXchange within the Events Integration Guides for each AppControl server version.