Have set ENDEVOR to use packages but users are still able to do actions outside of packages.
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Have set ENDEVOR to use packages but users are still able to do actions outside of packages.


Article ID: 29051


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Have used option 4 Environment sub option 9 to build Approver Groups and sub option A to relate the Approver Groups to the Endevor inventory areas.  Package can be created and executed then and can see the proper Approver Groups are associated to the packages. 

But users are still able to add, move and other actions in Endevor outside of packages. Thought that if an approver group was associated to an Endevor inventory group all actions affecting that area need to be done within a package.   




All supported version of Endevor


The resolution for this is located in the Endevor C1DEFLTS table, TYPE=MAIN section of the C1DEFLTS section look for:

     APRVFLG=Y,               APPROVAL PROCESSING (Y/N)       

This parameter needs to be set to YES to turn on approval processing.