CB Defense: Why Do The Devices and Applications Tabs Limit Results?
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CB Defense: Why Do The Devices and Applications Tabs Limit Results?


Article ID: 290472


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Why can I only see up to 50 results displayed on a single page when looking at the Applications tabs or 200 on the Devices tab on the Investigate page?


  • Predictive Security Cloud (PSC) Console: All Versions
    • CB Defense


This is by design to improve overall performance in the Console, as the IDs for these items are uncommon or highly unique values.

Additional Information

  • The identifiers associated with Devices (DeviceIDs) and Applications (SHA256/MD5 hashes) are high-cardinality fields, meaning that these are uncommon or unique values leading to large numbers of unique values
    Tab NameTotal Record LimitTotal Number of Pages
  • If you would like to see changes to the number of records displayed for the Devices or Applications tabs, feel free to either upvote the submission in Idea Central below or submit your own request and use-case via Idea Central