App Control: Console Timeout or No Results When Viewing 'Chattiest Rules'
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App Control: Console Timeout or No Results When Viewing 'Chattiest Rules'


Article ID: 290422


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Console timeout or 'No Results' when attempting to view the 'Chattiest Rules' report in the support.php page
  • Message similar to following reported in the PHPErrors.log file:
Query: "SELECT * FROM dbo.PerformanceTopNRules(168, 20)" caused error: DB Error: Query timeout expired



App Control Console: All Versions


Timeout caused by contention in SQL 'das' database


Increase SQL Server timeout value:
  1. Open 'services.msc', stop the App Control Server service
  2. If App Control Agent is installed on server, turn Tamper Protection off: (reference section 'To manage Tamper Protection on a single Agent using the Console')
  3. Navigate to following directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Console\php\
  4. Copy the file 'php.ini' to the Desktop, then rename the original to 'php.ini.back'
  5. Open the saved 'php.ini' on the Desktop to edit, locate 'sqlsrv.querytimeout' parameter, modify value to the following then save:  sqlsrv.querytimeout = 60
  6. Move the Desktop 'php.ini' file into following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Console\php\
  7. Open 'services.msc', start the App Control Server service
  8. Open cmd window 'As Administrator', run following command: iisreset
  9. If App Control Agent is installed on server, turn Tamper Protection on: (reference section 'To manage Tamper Protection on a single Agent using the Console'):


Additional Information

  • If increasing the 'sqlsrv.querytimeout' parameter to '60' does not help, perform steps again however change the parameter to 'sqlsrv.querytimeout = 90'