Carbon Black Cloud: Are Sensor Tamper Protection Events Reported in the Console?
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Carbon Black Cloud: Are Sensor Tamper Protection Events Reported in the Console?


Article ID: 290397


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Are attempts to tamper with the Sensor (e.g. delete Sensor files, stop services, etc.) reported in the Console as Events or Alerts?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Supported Versions


No, Tamper Protection is silently enforced and does not generate any Alerts or Events in the Console.

Additional Information

  • Alarms related to tamper attempts are stored locally by the Sensor in C:\ProgramData\CarbonBlack\Logs\SensorAlarms.log, though details are limited to the tampering process and target file.
  • Running third-party security applications (e.g. antivirus, real-time scanner, vulnerability scanner, etc.) concurrently with the Sensor without proper Exclusions can trigger Tamper Protection alarms and cause unexpected blocks or interoperability/performance issues.