Carbon Black Cloud: Unable to Upgrade from 3.5.0.x on Windows Server 2019
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Carbon Black Cloud: Unable to Upgrade from 3.5.0.x on Windows Server 2019


Article ID: 290345


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  • Upgrade from 3.5.0.x on Windows Server 2019 and upgrade will fail
  • If "Sensor UI: Detail message" is enabled in the policy, the Sensor UI icon will no longer appear in the Taskbar System Tray
  • The device will no longer check-in to the Carbon Black Cloud Console.
  • The Carbon Black Cloud Sensor service (Display name: Cb Defense) may no longer show as started


  • Carbon Black Cloud Windows Sensor: -
  • Windows Server 2019


Issue occurs because the ctinet driver does not unload properly during sensor shutdown


  • Carbon Black has created a fix to resolve the driver unload hang when upgrading in sensor version(s) and and above; however there is no way to backport this fix into any prior sensor versions.
  • To workaround this issue in any prior sensor version please follow the steps below:
  1. Place the sensor into bypass
  2. Reboot the Windows 2019 server
  3. Perform Upgrade

Additional Information

  • Although Carbon Black is unable to reproduce the issue internally, we were able to identify the code path resulting in this issue as well as the fix
  • If Sensor has already been upgraded from the impacted versions and the above issue has been observed, the Sensor Removal Tool (SRT) may be required to cleanup the existing installation, and install the latest sensor version