EDR: All warm core data purged after adding MaxEventStoreSizeInMB restriction to roll cores over
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EDR: All warm core data purged after adding MaxEventStoreSizeInMB restriction to roll cores over


Article ID: 290344


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • All warm cores purged after applying updates to /etc/cb/cb.conf MaxEventStoreSizeInMB setting
  • Cores disappearing after rolling over


  • EDR Server: All Versions (Formerly CB Response)


  • MaxEventStoreSizeInMB is not the correct setting to force a core rollover
  • MaxEventStoreSizeInMB is determines total size of folder and purges down to that size


  1. Edit /etc/cb/cb.conf
  2. Comment out MaxEventStoreSizeInMB
  3. Add the correct setting for core rollover with the desired core size
    • SolrTimePartitioningMaxSizeMB=<max_core_size>
  4. Restart services

Additional Information

  • MaxEventStoreSizeInMB should only be used to set the maximum disk usage of the entire /var/cb/data/solr*/cbevents directory
  • SolrTimePartition* settings will apply to individual cores
  • MaxEventStore* will apply to the entire /var/cb/data/solr*/cbevents folder