App Control: Certificate Validation Slow with CoreStreet Validation Client
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App Control: Certificate Validation Slow with CoreStreet Validation Client


Article ID: 290329


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Performance issues with Certificate Revocation features of CB App Control
  • Trace.bt9 file of Agent reports messages similar to the following:
b9ABCache::RemoveAntibody: Removing antibody for file[\\?\globalroot\device\harddiskvolume3\programdata\corestreet\validation client\logs\wtbd3c.tmp]

b9ABCache::RemoveAntibody: Removing antibody for file[\\?\globalroot\device\harddiskvolume3\programdata\corestreet\validation client\logs\wtbde6.tmp]



  • App Control Server: All Versions
  • App Control Agent: All Versions
  • CoreStreet Validation Client


CoreStreet Validation Client creating large amount of events while validating certificates.


Add following 'kernelFileOpExclusions' parameter: 
  1. Open following URL in the Console - https://<App_Control_ServerName>/agent_config.php
  2. Select Add Agent config, add following values:
a. Name: KernelFileOpExclusion for CoreStreet Validation Client
b. Host ID: 0
c. Value: kernelFileOpExclusions=*\programdata\corestreet\validation client\logs\*:99696
  1. Select Enabled, then Save

Additional Information

  • The '99696' value at the end of this parameter will not create events for 'All File Modifications (excluding mmap write + delete on close)