AppControl: How to Create a Certificate Authority SSL Certificate
Article ID: 290321
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
The purpose of this article is to provide guidance on the creation of SSL certificates from an internal Certificate Authority for the AppControl Server certificate that facilitates agent/server communication.
Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions AppControl: All Supported Versions
Microsoft's documentation on requesting the creation of the SSL cert via IIS:
The Certificate Authority will need to provide the following items involved with the certificate:
a .CER or .PEM copy
a .PKCS12 format certificate and any associated encryption passwords
Additional Information
Remember that only a self-signed certificate can be created using the AppControl product. Creation of SSL certificates signed by a Certificate Authority ultimately falls outside the scope of the product, and this article serves to direct one to the established documentation. CA signed certificates can also be purchased in lieu of this process from appropriate vendors. Further information on .CER and .PEM files can be found here: