CB Response: How to find and unsubscribe from a Feed's email
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CB Response: How to find and unsubscribe from a Feed's email


Article ID: 290299


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Find a feed sending emails and unsubscribe


  • CB Response Server: All Versions


  1. Determine the name of the feed from the Feed field of the email
  2. In the Response UI, go to Threat Intelligence
  3. Locate the matching feed
  4. Un-check "Email Me On Hit"

Additional Information

  • The user receiving the email must be the one to unsubscribe in the UI
  • The Feed name in the email may be longer than the name in the UI. For example, a hit on the Endpoint Visibility feed will appear as "Carbon Black Endpoint Visibility Feed" in the email