Carbon Black Cloud: How to approve network extension after manual install in System Extension mode
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Carbon Black Cloud: How to approve network extension after manual install in System Extension mode


Article ID: 290276


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Provide command to grant approval to the Network Extension after a manual installation (not using MDM) where user does not click on the prompt immediately following install


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: 3.5.1.x and Higher
  • Apple macOS: 11.0 (Big Sur) and Higher


  1. Launch terminal emulator as a member of sudoers file
  2. Run the following command
    $ sudo /Applications/VMware\ Carbon\ Black\ Cloud/VMware\\ CBCloud -ne

Additional Information

The user should be prompted to allow the network extension once they allow the system extension. However, the initial approval must be done within 60 seconds following the initial prompt, otherwise, the network extension prompt will not be shown.