CB Defense: How to Confirm Which Admin Account Made Specific Changes Within the Console?
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CB Defense: How to Confirm Which Admin Account Made Specific Changes Within the Console?


Article ID: 290272


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Review changes made within the console.


CB Defense PSC Console: All Versions


The Audit Log contains information on all of the administrative changes made within the console.
  1. Navigate to Settings > Audit Log.
  2. Search for the changes you are investigating via the search bar.
  3. Toggle the Verbose option towards the top right of the page next to the Search button to view more granular information.

Additional Information

  • Example: When searching for who made a change to a policy, you could search for "policy" which will bring up instances of the following entry:
    • "Policy <Example> was modified"
  • The User field will showcase the email address of the administrator that made the changes.