Special Characters on Endpoints page - ~ ( ) [ ] { } ^ | & " :
Example search: Win-10-Laptop-0123 Results will include Win OR 10 OR Laptop OR 0123 present in any field
Example search: name:Win-10-Laptop-0123 Results will be narrowed to Win OR 10 OR Laptop OR 0123 only in the Device Name
Example search: name:Win name:10 name:Laptop name:0123 Results will be narrowed to Win AND 10 AND Laptop AND 0123 only in the Device Name
Example search 1: name:Win name:10 -name:Desktop -name:012345 -name:.domain.org Results will be narrowed to Device Names including Win AND 10 and excluding Desktop AND 012345
Example search: name:Win name:10 name:Laptop loginUserName:"Carl Weathers" Results will be narrowed to Device Names including Win AND 10 AND Laptop and where the User field shows Carl Weathers
deviceId: (Have to know it first, can be found in C:\Program Files\Confer\cfg.ini directly on an endpoint) email: (formerly known as Installed by, not always the best way to find a device) lastExternalIpAddress: (good to use if IP is known) lastInternalIpAddress: (good to use if IP is known) loginUserName: (information in the User column, intended to be the Last Logged on User for Windows 3.5.x.x+ or for Mac 3.0.x.x+, and Linux Sensors 2.8.x.x+) macAddress: (currently only populated for Mac devices) name: (Device Name column) sensorVersion: (Can be used to filter by specific builds)