CB Response: Occasional false positives for events with binary and process data in search query
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CB Response: Occasional false positives for events with binary and process data in search query


Article ID: 290209


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • A false positive alert for a process is generated
  • Manually running the search for the alert does not return the process


  • CB Response Server: 6.1 and Higher
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


  • This is a known issue that can occur when a join is made between process and binary documents - CB-21633


  • A fix for this issue will be available in a future release
  • A temporary workaround would be to add a wildcard search for any binary fields in the query. 
    • Example: If dig_sig_publisher is the field to be matched on, add dig_sig_publisher:* before the actual search