Carbon Black Cloud: What Does the Heuristic File Reputation Mean?
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Carbon Black Cloud: What Does the Heuristic File Reputation Mean?


Article ID: 290173


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


What does the Heuristic reputation mean?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Supported Versions


  • Heuristic reputation is applied when a file is suspected to be malicious based on a set of attributes, but analysis cannot definitively determine whether the file is malware.
  • It generally indicates a level of confidence above Suspect Malware, but below Known Malware reputation.

Additional Information

  • When it comes to Policy enforcement, processes with Heuristic reputation are subject to the same Prevention rules as Suspect Malware.
  • As Carbon Black Cloud employs a variety of analysis techniques, file reputations can change over time with further analysis.
  • Other reputation that can be assigned to suspicious files include PUP, Adware, and Suspect Malware.