CB Protection: "Error:Log File Was Not Created. Application Was Stopped" When Executing TimedOverride.exe
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CB Protection: "Error:Log File Was Not Created. Application Was Stopped" When Executing TimedOverride.exe


Article ID: 290114


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


The following error is thrown when running TimedOverride.exe – “Error:Log File Was Not Created. Application Was Stopped" When Executing TimedOverride.exe”


  • CB Protection Agent: 8.1.6
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


A log is generated when TimedOverride.exe is launched. This issue occurs when a user that lacks permissions to edit the log file launches the application.


This is currently being investigated by VMware Carbon Black. As a temporary workaround:
  1. A user with admin priveledges can be used to launch the TimedOverride utility.
  2. The log can manually be deleted: 
    • Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent from a command prompt.
    • Run the following commands:
      • dascli password <globalpassword>
      • dascli tamperprotect 0
    • Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\Logs
    • Make a copy of the TimedOverride.bt9 file and store it somewhere safe.
    • Delete the file.