CB Defense: Missing Events from Sensor after forced shutdown
Article ID: 290088
Updated On:
Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)
Events show in Console with a noticeable gap for a period of time
Sensor has not been uninstalled and reinstalled
Temporary network connectivity issues
System logs (Event Viewer for Windows, 'last reboot'/'last shutdown' via terminal for Mac) show consecutive startup/reboot events with no shutdown between
System logs may also show a low-power state prior to startup/reboot
CB Defense PSC Console: All Versions
CB Defense PSC Sensor: All Versions
Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
Apple macOS: All Supported Versions
Sensor had issues connecting to/communicating with Cloud, causing Sensor to store events locally until connection could be established. Forced startup/reboot without a graceful shutdown corrupted Event database, causing Sensor to rebuild the database and purge backlogged/cached events.
Expected behavior in this situation
Additional Information
Ensure that restarts/reboots are performed gracefully to avoid this behavior
Once Sensor has been restarted with the Endpoint and is able to establish communication with the Cloud, this issue will resolve itself