App Control: Why Are Some Rules Unable To Be Modified or Reordered?
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App Control: Why Are Some Rules Unable To Be Modified or Reordered?


Article ID: 290020


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Why is there no option to edit the criteria or rank of certain rules under Rules > Software Rules > Custom?


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions


  • The Custom Rules table includes Internal rules linked to features found in other parts of the App Control Console, and cannot be enabled, disabled, modified, deleted or moved.
  • The order of Internal rules cannot be changed relative to each other, but non-Internal Custom Rules can be moved relative to Internal rules to better control how and when different rules are enforced.

Additional Information

  • Internal Rules are enabled in other parts of the Console, mostly under the Device Control and Advanced tabs on the Edit Policy page.
  • An Internal rule will show as Enabled in the Custom Rules table if it is enabled in any Policy.