Cb Response: Unable to Touch /tmp/.cb_tmp on Services Start/Stop/Status
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Cb Response: Unable to Touch /tmp/.cb_tmp on Services Start/Stop/Status


Article ID: 289984


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • When run cbcluster start/stop, or cb-enterprise start/stop, get the following message:
Unable to delete temporary directory '/tmp/.cb_tmp' as user 'carbonAdm' on host '<hostname>' with command '/bin/rmdir /tmp/.cb_tmp'. Reason: /bin/rmdir: failed to remove `/tmp/.cb_tmp': No such file or directory. 
Execution will continue, but you should consider manually removing this directory.
  • When run cbcluster status, or cb-enterprise status, get the following message:
Move `/tmp/.cb_tmp': No such file or directory. 
Execution will continue, but you should consider manually removing this directory.



  • Cb Response Server: All versions


A file from /var/cb/.erlang.cookie usually gets copied to the /tmp directory but wasn't able to.


  • Please check the permissions of this file on all nodes. It's usually in /var/cb, but might be in /app/cb. 
-rw-------. 1 cb cb 20 Feb 2 00:00 .erlang.cookie
  • Cluster/cb-enterprise stop should be used, and confirm no hanging processes before starting again.