Managing the Windows App Store Rapid Config
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Managing the Windows App Store Rapid Config


Article ID: 289941


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


How to enable and configure the Windows App Store Rapid Config.


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions
  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


  1. Log in to the Console and navigate to: Rules > Software Rules > Rapid Configs.
  2. Locate Windows App Store in the list, click View Details (pencil icon) and verify:
    • Status: Enabled
    • Application Directory: <add any additional paths that are required>

      Example Extras:
    • Settings Apply To: <relevant Policies>
  3. Click Save.


  • This Rapid Config will issue a Local Approval when files are written to the specified path.
  • If files are already written to the specified Application Directory, this will not retroactively issue a Local Approval.


Additional Information

  • More details can be found on VMware Docs > Rules Installer Documentation > Rapid Config Guide.
  • If existing files in the \windowsapps\ directory need to be executed either:
    • Issue a Local Approval for existing files:

      1. Navigate to Assets > Files > Files on Computers > Filters > Add Filters:
        • File Path > begins with: <relevant Path>
        • Local State > is: Unapproved
        • Computer > is: relevant Computer
      2. Apply
      3. Select one or more of the filtered files
      4. Action > Locally Approve
    • Temporarily create an Execution Control > Allow Rule:

      1. Verify the File Path and Process from the Block Event in Reports > Events.
      2. Navigate to Rules > Software Rules > Custom > Add Custom Rule:
        • Rule Name: TMP - Allow Execution of <relevant app> (or something memorable)
        • Status: Enabled
        • Platform: Windows
        • Rule Type: Execution Control
        • Execute Action: Allow
        • Path or File: <relevant path pattern>
        • Process: <relevant process>
        • User or Group: Any
        • Applies To: <relevant Policies>
      3. Save & Exit.