Carbon Black Cloud: Date Format Is Not Padded on Files Sent to S3 (Data Forwarders)
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Carbon Black Cloud: Date Format Is Not Padded on Files Sent to S3 (Data Forwarders)


Article ID: 289901


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  • Date format of files sent to S3 bucket via Data Forwarder do not pad single-digit date-parts with zeroes (0)
  • Files do not sort naturally in S3
  • Unable to use ListObjectsV2 API in AWS to sort


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: 26-Apr-2021 (0.65.5) and Higher
  • Carbon Black Cloud Data Forwarder API: All Versions
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3): All Supported Versions


Carbon Black Cloud Data Forwarder was not designed to pad dates with zeroes


Working as currently designed

Additional Information

  • Future versions of the Data Forwarder may provide this option, potential work to add zero-padding is tracked under CBDVF-171 
  • Contact the VMware Carbon Black Sales, Account, Customer Success, or Professional Services team for your organization to submit a feature request referencing CBDVF-171 for increased visibility on customer desire for such a feature