App Control: When Does File Prevalence Update?
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App Control: When Does File Prevalence Update?


Article ID: 289868


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


When does File Prevalence update?


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions


  • File Prevalence totals are calculated in the UpdateAntibodyCounts scheduled task in SQL.
  • By default, UpdateAntibodyCounts is scheduled to run for 1% of the time (schedule) with a minimum delay of 5 minutes (min_delay) and a maximum gap of 12 hours (max_delay).
  • Every time the task runs, the Server looks at the duration of the most recent run and uses this to determine how soon to schedule it to run again based on the 3 fields mentioned above.

Additional Information

  • For example, if the task were to take 1 minute to complete, it would be scheduled to run again 100 minutes later.
  • If a server is underperforming or very busy, prevalence recalculation could be delayed as long as 12 hours.
  • UpdateAntibodyCounts does not run if DatabaseMaintenanceTask is running.